Help for total newbie
by guus.assmann on Sep 10, 2011 |
Posts: 1 Joined: Sep 4, 2011 Last seen: Oct 26, 2011 |
As a total newbie I do need some help. And looking through forums or other internet sources I have not found suitable answers. So some pointer would be very welcome.
I do have experience designing logic. But this is with TTL chips. My problem: I have a Gal 16V8 design and the Jedec file. These work fine. But I want to make some changes and do simulation. For this I try to use Atmel WinCupl. I've had different designs for this working fine, including the simulation. But this particular stuf I can't get done. It's like the clock is not connected to the counter in the WinCupl design. Help please. Below is the part that works, the non working but is attached. *IDENTYFICATION clk_man; *TYPE GAL16V8 *PINS PHI1S = 2, PHI1F = 5, SLOW = 6, Reset = 7, Halt = 8, RDY = 3, RW_in = 9, Q0.r = 16, Q1.r = 17, Q2.r = 15, PHI1.t = 18, Clock.t = 19, Bank_L.t = 13, RW_out.t = 14, A_Bus_EN.t = 12; *BOOLEAN-EQUATIONS /Q2 = /Q1 & Q0 & Reset; /Q1 = /Q1 & Q0 & Reset + Q2 & /Q0 & Reset; /Q0 = Q2 & Q1 & Reset + /Q2 & /Q1 & Q0 & Reset; Clock.e = Vcc; Clock = Q2 & Q1 & Q0 & SLOW & /PHI1 + Q2 & Q1 & /Q0 & PHI1F + Q2 & /Q1 & /Q0 & /PHI1F + Q2 & /Q1 & Q0 & /SLOW & /PHI1 + /Q2 & /Q1 & Q0 & PHI1S + /Q2 & /Q1 & /Q0 & /PHI1S + /Reset; %Outputs% PHI1.e = Vcc; PHI1 = Q2 & Q1 & Q0 & PHI1S + Q2 & /Q1 & Q0 & PHI1F; Bank_L.e = Vcc; /Bank_L = /PHI1 + /RDY; RW_out.e = Vcc; /RW_out = Q2 & Q1 & Q0 & Halt & /RW_in + /Q2 & /Q1 & /Q0 & Halt & /RW_in; A_Bus_EN.e = Vcc; /A_Bus_EN = Q2 & Q1 & Q0 & Halt + /Q2 & /Q1 & /Q0 & Halt; *END