by bhavikav on Sep 13, 2014 |
Posts: 2 Joined: Sep 10, 2014 Last seen: Nov 6, 2014 |
How to interface NI USRP-2932 with FPGA
Introduction to USRP.pdf (1010 kb)
by aikijw on Sep 16, 2014 |
Posts: 76 Joined: Oct 21, 2011 Last seen: Jul 8, 2023 |
What you've asked doesn't make much sense... Here's why...
The USRP you've referenced already contains an FPGA... The Verilog source for that FPGA is available online, and the entire USRP design is in the public domain (I'm not certain of the license restrictions so I won't go so far as to say it's Open Source, but it is certainly available from Ettus Industries) Depending on the model you actually have, there may or may not be a MICTOR connector available on the board that you could, in theory, use to interface to an external "FPGA" (combined, perhaps with a modified on-board FPGA config) It's not clear what you're trying to do... Google is your friend...
How to interface NI USRP-2932 with FPGA
Introduction to USRP.pdf (1010 kb)
by bhavikav on Nov 6, 2014 |
Posts: 2 Joined: Sep 10, 2014 Last seen: Nov 6, 2014 |
I want to connect USRP 2932 with external FPGA. How to do it?
In one thesis i got that if i update the firmware of USRP then i can send data from it to external FPGA, and controlling of USRP is done through PC. I attached that document.
Jeong_JO_T_2012[1].pdf (6829 kb)
by aikijw on Nov 6, 2014 |
Posts: 76 Joined: Oct 21, 2011 Last seen: Jul 8, 2023 |
The document that you attached describes modifying the USRP FPGA, but solely to incorporate an IEEE 802.15.4 PHY (e.g. Zigbee)... The implementation described by the attached continues to use the GigE PHY native to the USRP... Please read the entire thesis, carefully... Your questions are both very open ended and tend to indicate that you don't have a solid handle on exactly what it is that you're trying to do... You seem to just want to "connect some things to some other things" solely for the sake of doing so... I assume this is for some kind of academic research project... Suggest you figure out what you want to actually do, in a signal processing context, before deciding on the hardware you with to do it with...
I want to connect USRP 2932 with external FPGA. How to do it?
In one thesis i got that if i update the firmware of USRP then i can send data from it to external FPGA, and controlling of USRP is done through PC. I attached that document.
Jeong_JO_T_2012[1].pdf (6829 kb)
by studleylee on Nov 7, 2014 |
Posts: 11 Joined: Dec 7, 2004 Last seen: Mar 11, 2024 |
I need a codes for a fluxes capacitor.
Specs: It must be able send a message 8.64e+10 uS into the past. I like Verilog it has been goods to me. The fluxes capacitor must be implemented in a state machine because that's what my thesis'is director advised. I must have this by 2 weeks to get my degree. With this code I will be able to tell myself if I passed or not. Thanks. |