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Re: Possible Error in WB Slave unit
by Unknown on Nov 18, 2005
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dsp at wrote:
This is what I’m observing in hardware. I start a cycle by asserting
[CYC_O], [STB_O] and[ WE_O] and qualify [ADR_O]. The slave unit
responds after a few clock cycles with an [ACK_O] that looks to be
sync with [CLK_I]. Since the WB Master samples [ACK_I] on the rising
edge of [CLK_I] the signal [ACK_I] (due to delay) is not qualified
until the following cycle.

It sounds to make like you've got a classic timing problem.

The problem is that the Slave unit negates the [ACK_O] signal at the
end of the current clock cycle even though the Master is still
asserting [CYC_O] and [STB_O]. My understanding of the WB B3 spec,
the slave should continue to assert [ACK_O] until [CYC_O] or [STB_O]
are negated.

This is incorrect. The slave asserts [ACK_O] for one cycle. If on the
next cycle [CYC_O] and [STB_O] are high, this indicates a new cycle.

Is this a correct observation of the [ACK_O] signal from the slave?


Further more, the slave enters a second read cycle which is the
terminated from the previos master read cycle.

Of course.

The problem here is
that [ACK_O] remains asserted. Not a problem for the Master, but the
slave is not ready and the cycle is terminated too early.


I'm going to look into correcting this by these methods
1) the slave unit continues to assert [ACK_O] untill [STB_I] is nagated.

That would not be within spec, AFAIK.

2) the slave unit asserts ack before rising edge of the qualifiing
edge of [CLK_I]

It just sound like you have some serious timing constraint problems.
You dave the entire design on one clock, and are not seperating them
into seperate domains, are you? WISHBONE is a fully synchronous spec
(i.e. same frequency AND phase).

In a standard classic cycle with a registered slave output (ignoring
CYC_O, etc. for brevity) you'll see the following. I'll insert three
wait states.

1.1 Master asserts STB_O.

-- next clock edge --

2.1 Slave samples STB_I as asserted and outputs nothing
2.2 Master samples ACK_I as deasserted (still)

-- next clock edge --

3.1 Slave asserts ACK_O
3.2 Master samples ACK_I as deasserted (still)

-- next clock edge --

4.1 Slave deasserts ACK_O
4.2 Master samples ACK_I as asserted
4.3 Master deasserts STB_O

-- next clock edge --

5.1 Slave samples STB_I as deasserted and all is right with the world

You don't mention your level of education or experience, and without
further detail, it sounds like your having trouble with a standard
synchronous handshaking idiom. I would recommend drawing the circuit up
and representing the control signal outputs driven by registers, and
make yourself a timing diagram complete with setup and hold times (i.e.
don't have any output change on a clock edge). Kinda like the ones in
the spec. But you'll understand it better if you work out the timing
for yourself.

Paragraphs from WB B3 spec:

3.1.3 Handshaking Protocol
All bus cycles use a handshaking protocol between the MASTER and SLAVE
interfaces. As
shown in Figure 3-2, the MASTER asserts [STB_O] when it is ready to
transfer data. [STB_O]
remains asserted until the SLAVE asserts one of the cycle terminating
signals [ACK_I], [ERR_I]
or [RTY_I]. At every rising edge of [CLK_I] the terminating signal is
sampled. If it is asserted,
then [STB_O] is negated. This gives both MASTER and SLAVE interfaces
the possibility to
control the rate at which data is transferred.

Yes, the above is correct. I'm not sure how your interpreting it such
that your missing things. The only thing I can think of is that you
dan't have a phase aligned clock for both master and slave.

- hoffer

Re: Possible Error in WB Slave unit
by dsp on Nov 20, 2005
Posts: 8
Joined: Jan 23, 2011
Last seen: Mar 1, 2025
Education BS in electronics, 15+yrs Programming, 4yrs+ job experience (FPGAs/DSP/Systems). I have about 6yrs in industrial control systems (jobs during college and high school). I'm working on masters (but that will be in optics engineering). Always educating myself (ANY good book recommendations?) Please see the TI DSP and Xilinx FPGA Dev Board project on opencores. Indeed i did miss this STB_O and ACK_I signaling, and fixed it so that STB_O is negated when ACK_I is qualified on the rising edge of CLK_I. One clock for WB!! One clock for EMIF and signals are Syncronized between the domains. There is clock for the PCI which has a rolling phase alignment because 40M and 33M are not direct multiples. There are FIFOs between PCI and WB so this should not be an issue. And i didnt see any restrictions on the two clocks in the manual. But i may have missed that if one does exist. I use BUFG for clocks, and DCM to generate all the clocks for WB, PCI and Chipscope pro. 100Mhz in 33Mhz out for PCI 40Mhz out for WB 240Mhz out for ChipScope. Emif clock comes for DSP. Emif clock has nothing to do with my master output signals since there are syncronizers in place. Also, I'm running this in host mode. I'm looking at the ACK_O generation and only see one instance that [ACK_O] might be generated async with WB Clock and that is from del_error_in which appears to be latched on the rising edge of PCI Clock in the the module pci_delayed_sync on line 439? Otherwise, the STB_O negation fix worked. But I'm still seeing odd issues with the ACK_O signal. You are probably correct there is a timing issue somewhere, and i many need to refine some constraintsmor lower the WB clock frequency. This is the first design that's i've done with more than 2 clock domains. And the second attempt at WB interface first was a slave device on a different project. I'm going to continue to work through this, please bare with me. ----- Original Message ----- From: Michael Hordijkhoffbrinkle at h...> To: Date: Fri Nov 18 23:30:45 CET 2005 Subject: [pci] Re: Possible Error in WB Slave unit
dsp at wrote:
> This is what IÂ’m observing in hardware. I start a cycle

by asserting
> [CYC_O], [STB_O] and[ WE_O] and qualify [ADR_O]. The slave

> responds after a few clock cycles with an [ACK_O] that looks

to be
> sync with [CLK_I]. Since the WB Master samples [ACK_I] on the

> edge of [CLK_I] the signal [ACK_I] (due to delay) is not

> until the following cycle.

It sounds to make like you've got a classic timing problem.
> The problem is that the Slave unit negates the [ACK_O] signal

at the
> end of the current clock cycle even though the Master is still
> asserting [CYC_O] and [STB_O]. My understanding of the WB B3

> the slave should continue to assert [ACK_O] until [CYC_O] or

> are negated.

This is incorrect. The slave asserts [ACK_O] for one cycle. If on
next cycle [CYC_O] and [STB_O] are high, this indicates a new
> Is this a correct observation of the [ACK_O] signal from the

> Further more, the slave enters a second read cycle which is

> terminated from the previos master read cycle.

Of course.
> The problem here is
> that [ACK_O] remains asserted. Not a problem for the Master,

but the
> slave is not ready and the cycle is terminated too early.

> I'm going to look into correcting this by these methods
> 1) the slave unit continues to assert [ACK_O] untill [STB_I]

is nagated.
That would not be within spec, AFAIK.
> 2) the slave unit asserts ack before rising edge of the

> edge of [CLK_I]

It just sound like you have some serious timing constraint
You dave the entire design on one clock, and are not seperating
into seperate domains, are you? WISHBONE is a fully synchronous
(i.e. same frequency AND phase).
In a standard classic cycle with a registered slave output
CYC_O, etc. for brevity) you'll see the following. I'll insert
wait states.
1.1 Master asserts STB_O.
-- next clock edge --
2.1 Slave samples STB_I as asserted and outputs nothing
2.2 Master samples ACK_I as deasserted (still)
-- next clock edge --
3.1 Slave asserts ACK_O
3.2 Master samples ACK_I as deasserted (still)
-- next clock edge --
4.1 Slave deasserts ACK_O
4.2 Master samples ACK_I as asserted
4.3 Master deasserts STB_O
-- next clock edge --
5.1 Slave samples STB_I as deasserted and all is right with the
You don't mention your level of education or experience, and
further detail, it sounds like your having trouble with a standard
synchronous handshaking idiom. I would recommend drawing the
circuit up
and representing the control signal outputs driven by registers,
make yourself a timing diagram complete with setup and hold times
don't have any output change on a clock edge). Kinda like the ones
the spec. But you'll understand it better if you work out the
for yourself.
> Paragraphs from WB B3 spec:
> 3.1.3 Handshaking Protocol
> All bus cycles use a handshaking protocol between the MASTER

> interfaces. As
> shown in Figure 3-2, the MASTER asserts [STB_O] when it is

ready to
> transfer data. [STB_O]
> remains asserted until the SLAVE asserts one of the cycle

> signals [ACK_I], [ERR_I]
> or [RTY_I]. At every rising edge of [CLK_I] the terminating

signal is
> sampled. If it is asserted,
> then [STB_O] is negated. This gives both MASTER and SLAVE

> the possibility to
> control the rate at which data is transferred.

Yes, the above is correct. I'm not sure how your interpreting it
that your missing things. The only thing I can think of is that you
dan't have a phase aligned clock for both master and slave. -

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