by Unknown on Jul 5, 2007 |
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i am using the pci_bridge in my project: PCIwhisbone_interconCAN_controller in a PCI card.
The problem is that if i try to access to the internal memory space of the card:
-using intercon from whisbone builder: thz windows freezes.
-using the wb_conbus project: it freezes
-using intercon from Alium Designer, it returns with 00 values at all locations.
I simulated the altium intercon, in simulation, it returns the correct register values from the CAN controller.
I was using HardwareDirect program to test the card. If i read back image0, then i get back the correct content of the header, without freezing.
What is the cause?
or, could someone send me a similar xilinx-ISE project, which is working? (4-6 slave ports for future updates, 1 master: the PCI_bridge, ideally 64kB image in memory space.)
buenos at freemail.hu
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