Nallatech BenNuey-PCI-4E
by johnp on Nov 20, 2007 |
Posts: 6 Joined: Jul 24, 2008 Last seen: Dec 12, 2023 |
I have a Nallatech BenNuey-PCI-4e FPGA. The board features 2 Xilinx FPGAs. A Spartan-II with pre-configured firmware to control the 64-bit/33Mhz PCI interface and a Virtex-II Pro for user application.
The Spartan device which handles the PCI interface has the following interface signals:
EMPTY (O) Indicates if Spartan has data to transmit
BUSY (O) Indicates if Spartan can receive data
AS/DS# (O) Determines if data input is address or data
RST# (O) System reset
RD#/WR (I) Indicates if interface is writing/reading Spartan
REN#/WEN# (I) Enables read/write operation
INT# (I) Interrupt signal
ADIO (I/O) 32-bit data bus
CLK (I) Internal clock
RESET (I) Reset internal Signals
I would like some advice on how to do VHDL programming model on this. My goal is to upload the FPGA with a data intensive algorithm that constantly checks an input file for data and writes out a text file whenever there is an output data available. I have ISE 9.1 Foundation to work with but i dont have the PCI Core Generator License.
Please advise.
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