usb_2 core jitter in full spped
by Unknown on Jan 22, 2006 |
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I write a PHY for full speed USB and intend to use usb_2 as verifcation part. In the test bench I inserted jitter, which is supposed to be 0.25% on 12Mhz. Does someone know if a PHY should output valid data in jittery environement or just report CRC error. I use the following code in test bench in generating the TX 48MHz clock: integer tx_jit; integer tx_jit_d;//delta reg [2:0] tx_jit_q;//counter wire [2:0] tx_jit_i;//counter assign tx_jit_i= (tx_jit_q !== 3'd4) ? (tx_jit_q + 3'd1) : 3'd0; always @ (posedge usb_rx_clk) begin rand_val tx_jit_q end //of always `ifdef TX_JIT_ON always @ (tx_jit_q or rand_val) begin if(tx_jit_q === 3'd4) begin if(rand_val else begin if(rand_val > 4'd5 && rand_val else tx_jit_d=0; end end else tx_jit_d=0; end `else initial tx_jit_d=0; `endif initial begin rand_val=0; tx_jit_q=3'd0; tx_jit_d=0; my_vcc=1'b1; usb_div_clk_reg=1'b0; forever begin tx_jit=42 + tx_jit_d; #tx_jit //$display("tx_jit %d ", tx_jit); //#42 usb_div_clk_reg=1'b1; #42 usb_div_clk_reg=1'b0; end end assign usb_div_clk=usb_div_clk_reg; |