by Unknown on Nov 16, 2008 |
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Good Afternoon,
I have doubts with the FPGA programming.
My problem is:
I have to make the FPGA to access the data contained in EEPROM (which are
bits of an image) and displays them in VGA.
Have already implemented the sweeping of the VGA in the FPGA and found a
module about the controller I2c in the site opencores.
I wonder how do I access the data in EEPROM?
I'm using the Quartus II Web Edition and Verilog language.
The board that I use is the xylo with the FPGA EP1C3T100C8 and an EEPROM
24lc64 that communicate via I2c.
There are also on board the Cypress USB controller cy7c68013-56pvc.
Thank you for your attention,
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