Connecting webcam using openrisc with USB 2.0 Function Core
by flntobi on Dec 5, 2011 |
Posts: 1 Joined: Jun 2, 2008 Last seen: Jan 8, 2013 |
We are currently looking for a possibility to connect a standard webcam to an FPGA. The only reasonable way we think is to use some softprocessor running linux. Do you think with openrisc using USB 2.0 Function Core and an ULPI phy IC it is possible to connect a usb webcam? Regards, Tobi |
RE: Connecting webcam using openrisc with USB 2.0 Function Core
by olof on Dec 8, 2011 |
Posts: 218 Joined: Feb 10, 2010 Last seen: Dec 17, 2018 |
I haven't tried the USB2.0 core, so I can't say anything about it. Hopefully someone else will jump in with more knowledge of the core
Another solution however could be to get an USB chip with PCI interface and use the PCI core from opencores. If there are webcams that can talk PCI directly, you can use that too Maybe Michael Unnebäck has some extra information. He has good knowledge of the market for these kind of things -- Olof Kindgren ______________________________________________ ORSoC Website: www.orsoc.se Email: olof.kindgren@orsoc.se ______________________________________________ FPGA, ASIC, DSP - embedded SoC design |
RE: Connecting webcam using openrisc with USB 2.0 Function Core
by unneback on Dec 8, 2011 |
Posts: 20 Joined: Apr 24, 2004 Last seen: Oct 15, 2016 |
As Olof suggests using an external USB 2.0 controller is an option. If you require 480 mbps I think you must have an external device of some sort, UTMI or ULPI interface is one option.
You could use μPD720101 from NEC/Renesas. This is available from Digikey http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?vendor=0&keywords=PD720101 in BGA or LQFP. This device will give you five USB2.0 host ports. This device has a PCI interface. This particular device happens to be possible to use with the new Altera Cyclone IV based OpenRISC development board. I would be happy to further investigate the possibility to do an add-on board with this device. regards /Michael Unneback ORSoC |