

This page contains files uploaded to the old opencores website as well as images and documents intended for use on other pages in this project. If you want to download this project or browse its svn, you can do so at the overview-page.
2004-05-10 18:36TDM_Switch_DS.pdfTDM_Switch_DS.pdf
2003-10-25 09:50ModelSim_Edition.exeSelf extracting (RAR) archive of this project for ModelSim behavioral simulation
2003-08-24 11:01stream_7.datData for input stream 7
2003-08-24 11:00stream_6.datData for input stream 6
2003-08-24 11:00stream_5.datData for input stream 5
2003-08-24 11:00stream_4.datData for input stream 4
2003-08-24 11:00stream_3.datData for input stream 3
2003-08-24 10:59stream_2.datData for input stream 2
2003-08-24 10:59stream_1.datData for input stream 1
2003-08-24 10:59stream_0.datData for input stream 0
2003-08-24 10:59map.datData file for connection memory (line 1-256) and frame delay registers (line 257-264)
2003-08-24 10:58testbench_top.vTestbench for top module
2003-08-24 10:57tdm_switch_top_timesim.sdfSDF annotation file for “tdm_switch_top_timesim.v” netlist
2003-08-24 10:43tdm_switch_top_timesim.vPost Place and Route Verilog netlist file created by Xilinx ISE 5.2i for Concept NC-Verilog simulator
2003-08-24 10:42tdm_switch_b.vTop module of TDM Switch for behavioral simulation
2003-08-24 10:40tdm_switch_top.vTop module of Time Slot Interchange Digital Switch