Issue List
oc8051 #6
Open ikki_fenix opened this issue about 13 years ago
ikki_fenix commented about 13 years ago

Hello, I'm working on with this processor and I saw two module definition that not matches.

The firt one is the oc8051_rom for xilinx (path5 --> /trunk/syn/src/verilog) The module definition is the next :

module oc8051_rom (rst, clk, addr, ea_int, data1, data2, data3);

and the module instation that belong on the oc8051_top.v is the next:

oc8051_rom oc8051_rom1(.rst(wb_rst_i), .clk(wb_clk_i), .ea_int(ea_int), .addr(iadr_o), .data_o(idat_onchip) );

I'm little confused because I don't where the pipeline happens. If i add a rom (with the right capacity), It is enough to work properly?

thanks for your replay

15138767426 commented over 12 years ago

Type your text here

ysw2007 commented over 12 years ago

Hello, I also don't know how to add the quartus ii rom core. because i need to read three Bytes in one clock cycle,I don't kown how to realize it by quatus ii rom core. thank you !

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