
A VHDL CAN Protocol Controller

Issue List
multiple constant drivers problem on VHDL CAN Protocol Controller #1
Open Fred61 opened this issue almost 13 years ago
Fred61 commented almost 13 years ago

Hi !

I'm a new user of OpenCores. I ask your help on the VHDL CAN Protocol Controller. When y compile it on QUARTUS (ALTERA), 2 same errors happens :

Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "xhdl_1486" at Test_CAN_VHDL_1.vhd(6403)

I understand that a signal is modified by more that one other signal. But the all code is too complex for me. does anybody try to make this code works fine ? Does someone had an idea of how to fix it ?


wth145 commented over 10 years ago

I have encoutered the same issue. Have anyone successfully implemented this core?

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