
* Amber ARM-compatible core

Issue List
Division using gcc library #38
Open dabujin3 opened this issue over 9 years ago
dabujin3 commented over 9 years ago

I'm using mentor's code sourcery tool chain to compile c code for simulation. When I do divide, I use aeabi_idiv in mini-libc. It works really fine. But with arm-none-linux-eabi library, the program doesn't work. i.e. When I do divide using aeabi_idiv which is in arm-none-linux-eabi library, it doesn't work at the simulation process.

When I use division function in mini-libc, simulation works and calculation results are fine. However, when I use one in arm-none-linux-eaba library instead, simulation doesn't work and calculation results are incorrect.

Can I use function in arm-none-linux-eabi library?

Please let me know.

Really thanks for all your works. Best and regards. Dave

dabujin3 commented over 9 years ago

I solved this problem with using armv4t library.


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