Sep 15, 2018 | v1.4 uploaded with fixes for SYNC while interrupts/RESET, functionality of ADC/SBC and cycle count while branches. | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Sep 14, 2018 | Added assembler test routines from Klaus Dormann & Bruce Clark. ERRATA file for reported requests/bugs is also added. Await the upcoming v1.11 release of core r6502_tc. | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Mar 15, 2010 | BUG FIX DONE "NMI" & "IRQ" (wrong address computation) | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Feb 7, 2010 | Customer found bug NMI/IRQ - BUGFIX is on working | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Feb 25, 2009 | BUG FIX "RTI" (wrong: use of stack pointer) | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Feb 25, 2009 | Changes commited to CVS | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Jan 9, 2009 | Second Phaze of optimization
- Removed unused nets & registers
- Added Verilog source files on demand (for trial use) | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Jan 9, 2009 | Changes commited to CVS | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Jan 4, 2009 | Updated release - unused nets, registers and modules deleted. Re-worked the whole structure. Dokumentation updates. | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Apr 17, 2008 | Changes commited to CVS | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Apr 8, 2008 | Loaded the CVS with files for VHDL and dokumentation | Gutschmidt, Jens |
Jan 23, 2008 | Project started | Admin, OpenCores |