
* GECKO3 SoC co-design environment

Mar 16, 2012Update the Project page, fix all broken links.Zimmermann, Christoph
Nov 16, 2009I commited today the release candidate for the GECKO3COM firmware version 0.4. Included are all sources, scripts and helper tools. Implemented functionality to this firmware version: - FW upgrade through USB DFU class - works as a USB TMC device (test and measurement class) - handles all mandatory IEEE488 and SCPI commands - fpga can be configured through USB - two different fpga configuration files can be downloaded the the onboard memory - loads one of these configuration files during power on next step is to implement the transparent data communication between the USB host and the FPGAZimmermann, Christoph
Apr 9, 2009Updated whole project site. Added new pictures and enhanced the despription of the whole project and the GECKO3 modules. Check our <a href="" target="_blank">project homepage</a> for all the newsZimmermann, Christoph
Feb 24, 2009Changes commited to CVSZimmermann, Christoph
Nov 5, 2008A first bunch of files is now availabe in the CVS. They include all the files needed to use and build the modules including Gerber and Altium Designer files. The first release includes all modules that are finished, built, tested and have clean files:<br> - GECKO3main<br> - GECKO3tester (Testsystem for GECKO3main and Testprogramm)<br> - GECKO3basic<br> - GECKO3power<br> - GECKO3 Microblaze (Xilinx EDK board support package)<br> - Templates to develop custom modules<br> - CAD libraries<br> <br> You can find the documentation in our project wikiZimmermann, Christoph
Sep 23, 2008We've done it! Finally we created the project page on Files in the CVS will follow. We are open for suggestions and your ideas. Write us!Zimmermann, Christoph
Sep 23, 2008Project startedAdmin, OpenCores