
FIR filter for 36 samples and 36 coefficients

FIR filter example code 0 with dummy instruction. NOT works!

addi $a1, $t0, 35; 《 pipe 1 runs

addi $a3, $t0, 36; 《 pipe 2 runs, $a3 = n


lw $t2, 216($a0); 《 pipe 1 runs, $t2 = x(k), $a0 = k

lw $t4, 180($a1); 《 pipe 2 runs, $t4 = h(n-k), $a1 = n-k

addi $a0, $a0, 1; 《 pipe 1 runs

addi $a1, $a1, -1; 《 pipe 2 runs

addi $a2, $a2, 1; 《 pipe 1 runs (dummy instruction)

mult $t2, $t4; 《 pipe 2 runs waiting data from load instruction.

mflo $t6; 《 pipe 1 runs, not works because pipe 2 still waiting data, nothing or wrong data will be moved!

add $t7, $t7, $t6; 《 pipe 2 runs

bne $a3, $a2, for1; 《 pipe 1 runs

sw $t7, 258($t8); 《pipe 2 runs, $t7 = y(n)

FIR filter example code 1 with dummy instruction. Works!

addi $a1, $t0, 35; 《 pipe 1 runs

addi $a3, $t0, 36; 《 pipe 2 runs


lw $t2, 216($a0); 《 pipe 1 runs

lw $t4, 180($a1); 《 pipe 2 runs

addi $a0, $a0, 1; 《 pipe 1 runs

addi $a1, $a1, -1; 《 pipe 2 runs

mult $t2, $t4; 《 pipe 1 runs waiting data from load instruction.

mflo $t6; 《 pipe 2 runs, works because pipe 1 has already executed the mult instruction.

addi $a2, $a2, 1; 《 pipe 1 runs (dummy instruction)

add $t7, $t7, $t6; 《 pipe 2 runs

bne $a3, $a2, for1; 《 pipe 1 runs

sw $t7, 258($t8); 《 pipe 2 runs

FIR filter example code 2 without dummy instruction. Faster and works!

addi $a1, $t0, 35; 《 pipe 1 runs

addi $a3, $t0, 36; 《 pipe 2 runs


lw $t2, 216($a0); 《 pipe 1 and 2 runs alternately at each iteration.

lw $t4, 180($a1); 《 pipe 1 and 2 runs alternately at each iteration.

addi $a0, $a0, 1; 《 pipe 1 and 2 runs alternately at each iteration.

addi $a1, $a1, -1; 《 pipe 1 and 2 runs alternately at each iteration.

mult $t2, $t4; 《 pipe 1 and 2 runs alternately at each iteration. Waiting data from load instruction.

mflo $t6; 《 pipe 1 and 2 runs alternately at each iteration, works because pipe 1 or 2 has already executed the mult instruction.

add $t7, $t7, $t6; 《 pipe 1 and 2 runs alternately at each iteration.

bne $a3, $a0, for1; 《 pipe 1 and 2 runs alternately at each iteration.

sw $t7, 258($t8); 《 pipe 1 or 2 runs, depend on number of coefficients (iterations)