
Current releases

This page show the releases of this project. They can all be found in the repository under /tags. Other versions than the ones under these release-tags are not guaranteed to compile.

The main development is currently done in the 2.0.0-development branch. The goal of this branch is to facilitate the development of new endpoints and to increase the performance of RioSerial and RioSwitch.


A restructured RioSerial.vhd to increase the throughput.
This code also removes a known behaviour with empty cycles where sometimes no outbound symbol is written.
Note that this is an alpha-release, it has not been tested to the same extent as the 1.X.X-branch.


Moving the packet API into a seperate file in the software stack.


A fix in RioSwitch.vhd to correct a bug that made the switch send packets on the wrong port in certain situations.


The original code from Bombardier.
A 1x/2x/4x PCS for Xilinx.