Issue List
syscon issue #1
Closed jerome.penot opened this issue over 19 years ago
jerome.penot commented over 19 years ago

I use the syscon with the little risc processor. My target is an apex20ke altera fpga. Il noticed syscon hangs up when the rs232_rxd_i pin is not cloked in with clk_i. For more reliability i have chocked out rs232_txd_o with clk_i too. A second issue is the auto_baud_with_tracking. When i try to send big command text file through hyperterminal, syscon loses the transmit clock. I have replaced auto_baud_with_tracking by auto_baud and it works perfectly. I find syscon very useful and thanks you for your job !!!!! Best regards jerome Penot

jclaytons commented almost 19 years ago

I feel great because I have just figured out how to put files into the CVS tree, however I have not figured out how to "assign" or "close" bugs which are logged. Does anyone have any possible advice for me?

jclaytons closed this over 11 years ago

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