While doing synthasize the VHDL is reporsting an issue as below,
error: error in use clause: 'work.rv01_consts_pkg.all'
this issue is seen in "RV01_dbgu.vhd" file, i guess the pgk used in the VHDL is missing in this folder.
Please help me to slove this issue.
Hi, I'm trying to use this processor too. I've just solved this problem by copying all .vhd files in VHDL directory inside SYN directory and those inside VHDL/SELF_TEST in SYN/XILINX. Let me know if it works!
Hello, sorry for the super-super-late reply, the package is coded in the file VHDL/RV01_const_pkg.vhd, have you been able to find it?
For my curiosity, apart for the problem of above, was this project useful to you?