Issue List
work.rv01_consts_pkg.all pkg is missing from the folder #1
Closed vinkesh opened this issue over 5 years ago
vinkesh commented over 5 years ago


While doing synthasize the VHDL is reporsting an issue as below,

error: error in use clause: 'work.rv01_consts_pkg.all'

this issue is seen in "RV01_dbgu.vhd" file, i guess the pgk used in the VHDL is missing in this folder.

Please help me to slove this issue.

NULL commented over 5 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to use this processor too. I've just solved this problem by copying all .vhd files in VHDL directory inside SYN directory and those inside VHDL/SELF_TEST in SYN/XILINX. Let me know if it works!

madsilicon commented about 4 years ago

Hello, sorry for the super-super-late reply, the package is coded in the file VHDL/RV01_const_pkg.vhd, have you been able to find it?

For my curiosity, apart for the problem of above, was this project useful to you?

madsilicon closed this about 4 years ago

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