<br><br>Someone should:
<ol> <li>Download the "OpenSPARC T1 Microarchitecture Specification" from <tt><b>http://opensparc.info/cgi-bin/goto.php?w=http://opensparc-t1.sunsource.net/specs/OpenSPARCT1_Micro_Arch.pdf</b></tt></li> <li>Read carefully the two tables in paragraph <b>"3.1.5 CPX and PCX Packet Formats"</b> on pages 107-108;</li> <li>Check what's wrong in our SPARC-to-Wishbone bridge <tt><b>$S1_ROOT/hdl/rtl/s1_top/spc2wbm.v</b></tt> and fix it.</li> </ol><p>It could be just a trivial task... the only problem being the fact that the two tables describing the PCX/CPX packet formats in the only available document (uArch) are very succinct.</p>This bug has been fixed time ago when I checked the packet description found inside the file iop.h (now obsolete) against the OpenSPARC T1 Microarchitecture Specification.