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Does uart_int.v testcase run successfully? #9
Open ocghost opened this issue about 18 years ago
ocghost commented about 18 years ago

I tried to run the supplied testcase, "uart_int.v", but it fails in ModelSim. The message in uart_interrupts_verbose.log is shown below:

Time: 5734521200 (testbench.tx_fifo_status_changing) *E, Bit 5 of LSR register not '1'!

I just wanted to verify that someone has successfully run the testcase before I spend any more time troubleshooting it.

Regards, Dalton

robg commented over 17 years ago

I encountered an equal problem, which was related to the wb_sel_i decoding. The testcase (i.e. the wb_master) is always setting wb_sel_i to 4'hF which leads to masking off the lower two bits of the wb_addr (see uart_wb.v lines 293 and 301), because the case statements hit the default case.

My solution was to change the lines 293 and 301 to:

default: wb_adr_int_lsb = wb_adr_is1:0;

If you dislike this 'hack', simply make the wb_master use the correct wb_sel_i values.

best regards Robert

robg commented over 17 years ago

Well, the again. That simply got the simulation up and running, but it didn't fix the bug you reported. Sorry.

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