
1G eth UDP / IP Stack

Issue List
in virtex 5 lx50t #12
Open afjaldas opened this issue almost 12 years ago
afjaldas commented almost 12 years ago

i am trying to implement udp_ip_core(downloaded from here) in virtex5 lx50t board, in this project, implementation of gmii interface has been done, but in the userguide of this board, no pins were specifed for GMII instead they have given for SGMII interface. please guide me further hwo to proceed...

or fully running, ethernet code would be highly appreciated...

thanks in advance...

pjf was assigned almost 12 years ago
pjf commented almost 12 years ago

The UDP stack is only supposed to provide network processing from the top of the UDP layer to the bottom of the IP (and ARP) layers. This means that you must provide your own MAC layer.

I provide a MAC layer example using the ML-605 board, but you will need to create your own MAC layer for your board. You may be able to get one from the board supplier, or you may be able to adapt a MAC layer from OpenCores. Either way, you probably will still need to create a wrapper around your MAC layer to provide the correct interface to the UPD_IP stack MAC signals.

Hope this helps. Peter

shwetajn48 commented almost 12 years ago

thanks sir for ur comment . i will generate my own mac layer and then try
