
1G eth UDP / IP Stack

Issue List
Possible bug #7
Closed apalopohapa opened this issue over 11 years ago
apalopohapa commented over 11 years ago

Hello Peter,

In UDP_TX.vhd you have the code:

when SEND_USER_DATA => udp_tx_data_out_ready <= '1';

However, it seems to me that it should be:

when SEND_USER_DATA => udp_tx_data_out_ready <= ip_tx_data_out_ready;

Otherwise if the ip layer happens not to be ready for data, udp_tx would accept it from the user but unable to forward it to the ip layer.

Of this I'm not sure, it is just something I noticed while going through the code.

apalopohapa commented over 11 years ago

For some reason after posting some parts of the code did not appear as written, so I'll repost without copy-pasting (it seems you can't edit posts here):

In UDP_TX.vhd you have the code:

when SEND_USER_DATA => udp_tx_data_out_ready <= '1';

However, it seems to me that it should be:

when SEND_USER_DATA => udp_tx_data_out_ready <= ip_tx_data_out_ready;

Otherwise if the ip layer happens not to be ready for data, udp_tx would accept it from the user but unable to forward it to the ip layer.

Of this I'm not sure, it is just something I noticed while going through the code.

apalopohapa commented over 11 years ago

For some reason after posting some parts of the code did not appear as written, so I'll repost without copy-pasting (it seems you can't edit posts here):

In UDP_TX.vhd you have the code:

<code> when SEND_USER_DATA => udp_tx_data_out_ready <= '1'; </code>

However, it seems to me that it should be:

<code> when SEND_USER_DATA => udp_tx_data_out_ready <= ip_tx_data_out_ready; </code>

Otherwise if the ip layer happens not to be ready for data, udp_tx would accept it from the user but unable to forward it to the ip layer.

Of this I'm not sure, it is just something I noticed while going through the code.

apalopohapa commented over 11 years ago

For some reason after posting some parts of the code did not appear as written, so I'll repost without copy-pasting (it seems you can't edit posts here):

In UDP_TX.vhd you have the code:

when SEND_USER_DATA => udp_tx_data_out_ready (assign) '1';

However, it seems to me that it should be:

when SEND_USER_DATA => udp_tx_data_out_ready (assign) ip_tx_data_out_ready;

Otherwise if the ip layer happens not to be ready for data, udp_tx would accept it from the user but unable to forward it to the ip layer.

Of this I'm not sure, it is just something I noticed while going through the code.

pjf was assigned over 11 years ago
pjf commented over 11 years ago

Your analysis is correct. This is now fixed in svn r17

pjf closed this over 11 years ago
