Issue List
fx2load_wrapper reloads firmware even when already loaded #2
Closed wfjm opened this issue over 9 years ago
wfjm commented over 9 years ago

fx2load_wrapper checks whether the proper firmware is already loaded and only re-loads and re-initializes the firmware if neccessary. This mechanism worked under Ubuntu 12.04, but apparently broke under Ubuntu 14.04.

As consequence fx2load_wrapper potentially always re-loads the firmware. Even though not intended behaviour, it's save, and doesn't even cost much time.

wfjm was assigned over 9 years ago
wfjm commented over 9 years ago

Will be fixed in future release.

wfjm commented over 9 years ago

Fixed in rev 27 (Release w11a_V0.62)

wfjm closed this over 9 years ago
