
Zorro bus to Wishbone bridge

Aug 23, 2011slight update main page status with FPGA board test-fixture adapters infoamigabill
Aug 22, 2011yet another "nothing yet" status, I've not had free time recentlyamigabill
May 5, 2011Subphases for phase2, who needs Autoconfig IDs or not, consider two bridges, one for each direction (Z->WB, WB->Z) rather than one bidirectional bridge.amigabill
May 5, 2011description update - need to verify the PCB adaptors I imagine can be made, depends on Spartan3 board signal groupings to PCI connector. Update phase 1 to 1a and 1b. Similar sub-phases will likely come for others too.amigabill
Apr 30, 2011in looking at Minimig/TG68 and aoocs projects, I see that minimig/TG68 are 16bit 68k bus and aoocs is 32bit Wishbone bus. So I guess I need to think more about various bus width bridging. I hadn't thought about that much before, I guess just thinking of Wishbone being 32bit for me, and not realizing that Minimig is 16bit on that side. Hrm. Sure, there's teh 68k/dragonball to Wishbone bridge on OC, but that's only good for a 16bid WB bus too. So I guess I need to think about a new bridge to 32bit WB, or have a look around if there's any existing WB-WB bridges for bus adaptions and have a possibly long chain of bridges together. Or to make Minimig 32bit, whihc would likely be a ton of work, or perhaps the MinimigAGA will already do that when released. Eh, I wish I had more free time. :)amigabill
Apr 8, 2011I've gradually been studying Zorro2 and Wishbone specs. Time is little and things seem to take forever, but I haven't forgotten.amigabill
Apr 7, 2011added link to aoOCS as a likely test platformamigabill
Oct 23, 2010linked to Timing Truetype font for timing diagram editing in docsamigabill
Sep 7, 2010Decision to license documentation under LGPL instead of GFDL, to be able to derive docs from design/environment sources if that comes up.amigabill
Jun 30, 2010Changed Wishbone side from B3 to B4, as the B4 spec was just released.amigabill