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by frnagel on Jan 28, 2004
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 21, 2009
Last seen: Apr 17, 2012
How can I implement an SC_CTHREAD process in VHDL?

by Unknown on Jan 28, 2004
Not available!

Here you find an extract out of the manual of Behavioral compiler from
Synopsys which shows you basically that SC_CTHREAD has been added to systemC
in order to be able to "reuse" behavioral compiler with systemC.

entity comp_mult is
reset : in bit;
clk : in bit;
in_data : in integer range -128 to 127;
in_data_ready : in bit;
out_ready_for_data : out bit;
out_real : out integer range -32768 to 32767;
out_imag : out integer range -32768 to 32767);
end comp_mult;

architecture behav of comp_mult is
main_process : process
reset_loop : loop
out_ready_for_data out_real out_imag wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
main_loop : loop
handshake_loop : while (in_data_ready = '0') loop
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
end loop handshake_loop;
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
out_ready_for_data wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
out_ready_for_data wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
end loop main_loop;
end loop reset_loop
end process main_process;
end behav;

Redant Steven wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: frnagel at [mailto:frnagel at] Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 16:27 To: cores at Subject: [oc] Translation How can I implement an SC_CTHREAD process in VHDL? _______________________________________________
-- Geert Vanwijnsberghe Project Engineer ASIC Design e-mail: vwb at IMEC, division INVOMEC phone : +32 16 281 273 Kapeldreef 75 fax : +32 16 281 584 B-3001 Leuven, Belgium ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail and/or its attachments may contain confidential information. It is intended solely for the intended addressee(s). Any use of the information contained herein by other persons is prohibited. IMEC vzw does not accept any liability for the contents of this e-mail and/or its attachments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
by Unknown on Jan 28, 2004
Not available!

Here you find an extract out of the manual of Behavioral com

piler from
Synopsys which shows you basically that SC_CTHREAD has been

added to systemC
in order to be able to "reuse" behavioral compiler with syst


entity comp_mult is
reset : in bit;
clk : in bit;
in_data : in integer range -128 to 127;
in_data_ready : in bit;
out_ready_for_data : out bit;
out_real : out integer range -32768 to 32767;
out_imag : out integer range -32768 to 32767);
end comp_mult;

architecture behav of comp_mult is
main_process : process
reset_loop : loop
out_ready_for_data out_real out_imag wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
main_loop : loop
handshake_loop : while (in_data_ready = '0') loop
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
end loop handshake_loop;
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
out_ready_for_data wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
out_ready_for_data wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
end loop main_loop;
end loop reset_loop
end process main_process;
end behav;

Redant Steven wrote:
> > -----Original Message----- > From: frnagel at [mailto:frnagel at] > Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 16:27 > To: cores at > Subject: [oc] Translation > > > How can I implement an SC_CTHREAD process in VHDL? > _______________________________________________ >
-- Geert Vanwijnsberghe Project Engineer ASIC Design e-mail: vwb at IMEC, division INVOMEC phone : +32 16 281 273 Kapeldreef 75 fax : +32 16 281 584 B-3001 Leuven, Belgium ------------------------------------------------------------

This e-

mail and/or its attachments may contain confidential informati
It is intended solely for the intended addressee

(s). Any use of the
information contained herein by other persons is prohibited.

IMEC vzw
does not accept any liability for the contents of this e-

mail and/or its

I think that you don't understand my question! Or I your answer! How can I translate a SC_CTHREAD process to VHDL? --- Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela. AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis!
by Unknown on Jan 28, 2004
Not available!

Here you find an extract out of the manual of Behavioral com

piler from
Synopsys which shows you basically that SC_CTHREAD has been

added to systemC
in order to be able to "reuse" behavioral compiler with syst


entity comp_mult is
reset : in bit;
clk : in bit;
in_data : in integer range -128 to 127;
in_data_ready : in bit;
out_ready_for_data : out bit;
out_real : out integer range -32768 to 32767;
out_imag : out integer range -32768 to 32767);
end comp_mult;

architecture behav of comp_mult is
main_process : process
reset_loop : loop
out_ready_for_data out_real out_imag wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
main_loop : loop
handshake_loop : while (in_data_ready = '0') loop
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
end loop handshake_loop;
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
out_ready_for_data wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
out_ready_for_data wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
if (reset = '1') then exit reset_loop;
end if;
end loop main_loop;
end loop reset_loop
end process main_process;
end behav;

Redant Steven wrote:
> > -----Original Message----- > From: frnagel at [mailto:frnagel at] > Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 16:27 > To: cores at > Subject: [oc] Translation > > > How can I implement an SC_CTHREAD process in VHDL? > _______________________________________________ >
-- Geert Vanwijnsberghe Project Engineer ASIC Design e-mail: vwb at IMEC, division INVOMEC phone : +32 16 281 273 Kapeldreef 75 fax : +32 16 281 584 B-3001 Leuven, Belgium ------------------------------------------------------------

This e-

mail and/or its attachments may contain confidential informati
It is intended solely for the intended addressee

(s). Any use of the
information contained herein by other persons is prohibited.

IMEC vzw
does not accept any liability for the contents of this e-

mail and/or its

My problem is that: My SC_CTHREAD have wait_until's of various signals/ports! It couldn't put wait_until's of different signals/ports in a VHDL process! --- Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela. AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis!
by Unknown on Jan 29, 2004
Not available!

My problem is that:

My SC_CTHREAD have wait_until's of various signals/ports!

It couldn't put wait_until's of different signals/ports in a
VHDL process!

You can do that. But you can't mix it with a sensitivity list. In SystemC you have the different wait's AND a sensitivity list. In VHDL it is either a sensitivity list OR waits in the process.
E.g. the code below.


Wait on a;


wait on b;


wait on a;


by Unknown on Jan 29, 2004
Not available!
At 06:02 29/01/2004, you wrote:

> My problem is that:
> My SC_CTHREAD have wait_until's of various signals/ports!
> It couldn't put wait_until's of different signals/ports in a
> VHDL process!
You can do that. But you can't mix it with a sensitivity list. In SystemC you have the different wait's AND a sensitivity list. In VHDL it is either a sensitivity list OR waits in the process. E.g. the code below. process begin ... Wait on a; ... wait on b; ... wait on a; end; _______________________________________________

Someone said me that even without a sensitivity list, the wait's must refer
to a unique signal or port!

by Unknown on Jan 29, 2004
Not available!

>Wait on a;
>wait on b;
>wait on a;

Someone said me that even without a sensitivity list, the
wait's must refer
to a unique signal or port!

You mean in VHDL? No that is not true from a strict VHDL language/simulator standpoint. For Behavioral compiler it is the case that you should have all the waits waiting for the same kind of clock-edge.


by Unknown on Jan 29, 2004
Not available!

>Wait on a;
>wait on b;
>wait on a;

> Someone said me that even without a sensitivity list, the
> wait's must refer
> to a unique signal or port!

You mean in VHDL? No that is not true from a strict VHDL lan

guage/simulator standpoint. For Behavioral compiler it is the
case that you should have all the waits waiting for the same k
ind of clock-edge.
Steven _______________________________________________
Yes, at level of simulation this works. But the problem is that I want to synthetize this. The program that I use to this don't accept/support more than one wait in a process! How can I solve this problem? --- Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela. AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis!
by Unknown on Jan 30, 2004
Not available!

You do not use 'wait' to generate synchronous actions in VHDL.
If your translator generates this code, you'll have to rewrite it so it

clk'event and clk='1'

The above is good coding practice (for synthesis)
Using wait isn't. Although some synthesis tools allow you to use a single
'wait' in a process to generate synchronous designs.


-----Original Message----- From: cores-bounces at [mailto:cores-bounces at] On Behalf Of Fernando Remus Nagel Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:24 PM To: cores at Subject: RE: FW: [oc] Translation
> >process
> >begin
> >
> >...
> >Wait on a;
> >
> >...
> >
> >wait on b;
> >
> >...
> >
> >wait on a;
> >
> >end;
> >

> Someone said me that even without a sensitivity list, the
> wait's must refer
> to a unique signal or port!

> You mean in VHDL? No that is not true from a strict VHDL lan

guage/simulator standpoint. For Behavioral compiler it is the
case that you should have all the waits waiting for the same k
ind of clock-edge.
> > Steven > > _______________________________________________ > >
Yes, at level of simulation this works. But the problem is that I want to synthetize this. The program that I use to this don't accept/support more than one wait in a process! How can I solve this problem? --- Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela. AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis! _______________________________________________

by Unknown on Jan 30, 2004
Not available!

You do not use 'wait' to generate synchronous actions in VHDL.
If your translator generates this code, you'll have to
rewrite it so it

clk'event and clk='1'

The above is good coding practice (for synthesis)
Using wait isn't. Although some synthesis tools allow you to
use a single
'wait' in a process to generate synchronous designs.

Or use behavioral compiler with code that looks like Geert's example sent in a previous mail (i.e. several wait until rising_edge(clk) statements in one process).


by Unknown on Jan 30, 2004
Not available!
At 07:21 30/01/2004, you wrote:

> You do not use 'wait' to generate synchronous actions in VHDL.
> If your translator generates this code, you'll have to
> rewrite it so it
> uses:
> clk'event and clk='1'
> or
> rising_edge(clk)
> The above is good coding practice (for synthesis)
> Using wait isn't. Although some synthesis tools allow you to
> use a single
> 'wait' in a process to generate synchronous designs.
Or use behavioral compiler with code that looks like Geert's example sent in a previous mail (i.e. several wait until rising_edge(clk) statements in one process). Steven _______________________________________________

But I want to make a process with various waits referencing to multiple
signals/ports! At level of simulation this works! But I want to synthesize
this code! And the program that I uses (Altera Quartus II) doesn't
accept/support more that one wait in a process! How can I solve this?

by Unknown on Jan 30, 2004
Not available!
The only way to make a process that waits on different signals is writing a combinatorial function using all these in the sensitivity list.

For synthesis you HAVE to stick to the rules. Synthesis on higher levels (i.e. choosing architecture from a higher level description) is possible for some specific kinds of architectures in (not free) EDA software, but there is still a gap here.

But I want to make a process with various waits referencing to multiple signals/ports! At level of simulation this works! But I want to synthesize this code! And the program that I uses (Altera Quartus II) doesn't accept/support more that one wait in a process! How can I solve this? _______________________________________________

by Unknown on Jan 30, 2004
Not available!
From my experience, it is best to wait on just clock and reset. Only trigger on one edge of the clock and one edge of the reset. Any other decisions should be done with if then statments.

From my understanding it is much easier to generate this logic. I use Verilog, and this is what my code would look like:
always@(posedge i_clk or negedge i_reset_n)begin if(!i_reset_n)begin //reset logic here end else begin if(sig_x==1'b1)begin //do something here end end end If you wanted to wait for the posedge of the clock and only execute when sig_x is high, this would work. If you are doing something like a FIFO where there are two clocks, you need to use seperate always blocks that are clocked to different clocks. One to write to your buffer and one to read from it. Also, if just want to cross a clock boundry, do the same thing but instead of using some memory, just double buffer the signal. We might be able to help you more if you tell us specifically what type of module you are trying to make. -Brian -----Original Message----- From: cores-bounces at on behalf of Redant Steven Sent: Fri 1/30/2004 7:10 AM To: Discussion list about free open source IP cores Cc: Subject: RE: FW: [oc] Translation The only way to make a process that waits on different signals is writing a combinatorial function using all these in the sensitivity list. For synthesis you HAVE to stick to the rules. Synthesis on higher levels (i.e. choosing architecture from a higher level description) is possible for some specific kinds of architectures in (not free) EDA software, but there is still a gap here.
But I want to make a process with various waits referencing to multiple signals/ports! At level of simulation this works! But I want to synthesize this code! And the program that I uses (Altera Quartus II) doesn't accept/support more that one wait in a process! How can I solve this? _______________________________________________
_______________________________________________ -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/ms-tnef Size: 3525 bytes Desc: not available Url :
by Unknown on Jan 30, 2004
Not available!
At 14:22 30/01/2004, you wrote:
>From my experience, it is best to wait on just clock and reset. Only

trigger on one edge of the clock and one edge of the reset. Any other
decisions should be done with if then statments.

>From my understanding it is much easier to generate this logic. I use
Verilog, and this is what my code would look like: always@(posedge i_clk or negedge i_reset_n)begin if(!i_reset_n)begin //reset logic here end else begin if(sig_x==1'b1)begin //do something here end end end If you wanted to wait for the posedge of the clock and only execute when sig_x is high, this would work. If you are doing something like a FIFO where there are two clocks, you need to use seperate always blocks that are clocked to different clocks. One to write to your buffer and one to read from it. Also, if just want to cross a clock boundry, do the same thing but instead of using some memory, just double buffer the signal. We might be able to help you more if you tell us specifically what type of module you are trying to make. -Brian -----Original Message----- From: cores-bounces at on behalf of Redant Steven Sent: Fri 1/30/2004 7:10 AM To: Discussion list about free open source IP cores Cc: Subject: RE: FW: [oc] Translation The only way to make a process that waits on different signals is writing a combinatorial function using all these in the sensitivity list. For synthesis you HAVE to stick to the rules. Synthesis on higher levels (i.e. choosing architecture from a higher level description) is possible for some specific kinds of architectures in (not free) EDA software, but there is still a gap here.
> Right!
> But I want to make a process with various waits referencing > to multiple > signals/ports! At level of simulation this works! But I want > to synthesize > this code! And the program that I uses (Altera Quartus II) doesn't > accept/support more that one wait in a process! How can I solve this? > > _______________________________________________ > >
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

I had already think in that, but the logic is ready! I have to translate
SystemC to VHDL!

by Unknown on Jan 31, 2004
Not available!

But I want to make a process with various waits referencing to multiple
signals/ports! At level of simulation this works! But I want to synthesize
this code! And the program that I uses (Altera Quartus II) doesn't
accept/support more that one wait in a process! How can I solve this?

Think about what you are asking and what is available in design cells.
You are asking for a circuit that triggers on multiple signals, like a
flip-flop with multiple clock inputs?

Simulation/Modulation is much more flexible in what is allowed and possible,
as the simulator just needs to execute the sequential code.
However translating this into hardware requires other techniques and a more
restrict coding style. Stick to the convention and it will work, do
something weird and you're on your own.
If you wrote a piece of code (converted or not) that is not synthesizable
and that was intended to be synthesizable, then you did a bad job. This is
not the synthesizer's fault, so don't blame it on Quartus.

Go back to the original code and rewrite it so it is synthesizable, or pay
somebody to do it for you.


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