
Double Clocked FFT Core

Issue List
Simulation warnings #4
Open howardjl71 opened this issue about 2 years ago
howardjl71 commented about 2 years ago

Modelsim gives warnings in simulation:

fftgen -f 512 -n 14 -k1 -p 100 -dir fft-core_f512_n14_k1_p100

Warning: (vsim-3015) PCDPC - Port size (28) does not match connection size (32) for port 'i_left'. The port definition is at: ../src/hwbfly.v(68). Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /dsp3_tb/dsp3_0/fftmain_0/stage_512/HWBFLY/bfly File: ../src/fftstage.v Line: 214 Warning: (vsim-3015) PCDPC - Port size (28) does not match connection size (32) for port 'i_right'. The port definition is at: ../src/hwbfly.v(68). Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /dsp3_tb/dsp3_0/fftmain_0/stage_512/HWBFLY/bfly File: ../src/fftstage.v Line: 214 Warning: (vsim-3015) PCDPC - Port size (30) does not match connection size (32) for port 'i_left'. The port definition is at: ../src/hwbfly.v(68). Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /dsp3_tb/dsp3_0/fftmain_0/stage_256/HWBFLY/bfly File: ../src/fftstage.v Line: 214 Warning: (vsim-3015) PCDPC - Port size (30) does not match connection size (32) for port 'i_right'. The port definition is at: ../src/hwbfly.v(68). Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /dsp3_tb/dsp3_0/fftmain_0/stage_256/HWBFLY/bfly File: ../src/fftstage.v Line: 214

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