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bug in tx_i2s_wbd.vhd #2
Closed kmonkey331 opened this issue about 10 years ago
kmonkey331 commented about 10 years ago

The file tx_i2s_wbd.vhd contains a bug:

This portion of the code: intstat_wr <= '1' when wb_adr_i(3 downto 0) = REG_TXINTSTAT and iwr = '1' else '0';

should read: intstat_wr <= '1' when wb_adr_i(3 downto 0) = REG_TXINTSTAT and iwr = '1' and wb_adr_i(ADDR_WIDTH - 1) = '0' else '0'; otherwise there will be arbitrary writes to the interrupt controller when writing samples to the buffer.

kmonkey331 commented about 10 years ago
<code> intstat_wr %lt;= '1' when wb_adr_i(3 downto 0) = REG_TXINTSTAT and iwr = '1' and wb_adr_i(ADDR_WIDTH - 1) = '0' else '0';</code>
kmonkey331 commented about 10 years ago
<code> intstat_wr &lt;= '1' when wb_adr_i(3 downto 0) = REG_TXINTSTAT and iwr = '1' and wb_adr_i(ADDR_WIDTH - 1) = '0' else '0';</code>
gedra commented almost 8 years ago

Thanks! This has been fixed!

gedra closed this almost 8 years ago

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