This project is an MPEG2 video decoder. The decoder converts an MPEG2 stream into a RGB video output. To get a functioning decoder, you will need to add at least the following additional components:
The input of the decoder is a MPEG2 stream. This could be streaming video over ethernet, a tv or satellite tv tuner, or a file on flash memory.
The output of the decoder is a Red/Green/Blue (RGB) video signal. This can be connected to a VGA, DVI or HDMI video output.
The decoder also needs a memory controller and RAM as a scratchpad memory, to store decoded video images.
Lastly, if your project includes a small micro controller, you can use the On Screen Display (OSD).
What this decoder does not do:
Tested & Verified on Xilinx ML505 board.
Contains testbenches based on iVerilog and GTKWave.
For more in-depth information, see the User Manual.