Compact and optimized PS/2 controller for Keyboard and Mice.
PS2 Core is build modular. There are one principal module that contains all communications logic, this can be used alone for hardware-only desings or used together with an wishbone bus top-level module for use in microprocessor systems.
The main goal of PS2 Core is create an fully functional PS2 controller with a very efficient use of logic and resources but without loss any functionality. The wishbone top-level has been designed to be as small as possible, giving an very simple and easy to use interface to the microprocessor.
- Technology independent.
- Fast and small PS2 controller.
- Can be used on hardware-only or microprocessor designs.
- Wishbone compatible with the top-level interface module.
- PS2 low level module completed and tested on FPGA
- Preliminary Wishbone support