Issue List
missing files #1
Closed antti opened this issue almost 16 years ago
antti commented almost 16 years ago

the simulation script refers to plenty of files that are not in the SVN :(

tac2 commented almost 16 years ago

Currently home for Easter, will fix this next week.

Note the TB is not complete its currently just used to check so the behaviour of the CMD anda DATA send/reciving process correctly interpret and store received data correct. Used to provide stimulus to the simulator is the two file.

initial $readmemh("data2.txt",sd_mem); //RAM Memory initial $readmemh("data_dat.txt",dat_mem); //Data to be sent

A quick fix for now is to add 2 files that should be the missing ones: data2.txt should containt 256 4-Bytes word and the data_dat.txt should contatin 1040 4-bit entitys

tac2 commented almost 16 years ago

The old Test bench is now obsolete. Currently the new one has only support for sending and recing command for the moment.

tac2 closed this almost 16 years ago
tac2 commented almost 16 years ago

Uppdate simulation script will be available when the new TB is fully completed

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