Issue List
Incorrect R2 Response #14
Open peppermint opened this issue over 11 years ago
peppermint commented over 11 years ago

The check bits of R2 response should be 2'b111111 and the CRC7 should not protect these bits.

The following code should be inserted between lines 657 and 658 of the "sdModel.v"

    if (response_S == 136)
        crcEn<=(cmdWrite >= 6);

and line 466 of "sd_cmd_serial_host" shoud be updated as

    CRC_Enable=(Response_Size <= 40 || Cmd_Cnt > 7);

to fix this problem.

peppermint commented over 11 years ago

if (response_S == 136) crcEn<=(cmdWrite >= 6);

peppermint commented over 11 years ago

I didn't notice that the errata would be truncated because of the HTML-syntax. It should be

    if (response_S == 136)
        crcEn\<=(cmdWrite \>= 6);

    CRC_Enable=(Response_Size \<= 40 || Cmd_Cnt\ > 7);
peppermint commented over 11 years ago

No one