We try to compile this project in QuartusII with errors. Uncommenting DEFINE ALTERA and commenting DEFINE ACTEL In the SD_Defines.v file takes no effect. What we must change in this project for Altera using?
Hello. Try Remove the GO_IDLE signal in the sd_cm_serial_host.
ROW 4: module SD_CMD_SERIAL_HOST ( SD_CLK_IN, RST_IN, SETTING_IN,GO_IDLE ,CMD_IN, REQ_IN, ACK_OUT, REQ_OUT,ACK_IN, CMD_OUT, STATUS, cmd_dat_i, cmd_out_o, cmd_oe_o, st_dat_t);
module SD_CMD_SERIAL_HOST ( SD_CLK_IN, RST_IN, SETTING_IN,CMD_IN, REQ_IN, ACK_OUT, REQ_OUT,ACK_IN, CMD_OUT, STATUS, cmd_dat_i, cmd_out_o, cmd_oe_o, st_dat_t);
ROW 200: always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN or posedge GO_IDLE) always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN )
ROW 202: if (RST_IN || GO_IDLE) begin if (RST_IN ) begin
ROW 213: always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN or posedge GO_IDLE) always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN)
ROW 216: if (RST_IN || GO_IDLE) begin if (RST_IN) begin
ROW 234: always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN or posedge GO_IDLE ) always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN )
ROW 236: if (RST_IN || GO_IDLE ) begin if (RST_IN ) begin
ROW 283: always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN or posedge GO_IDLE ) always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN )
ROW 288-290: else if (GO_IDLE) begin state <= #1 IDLE; end Remove
297: always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN or posedge GO_IDLE ) always @ (posedge SD_CLK_IN or posedge RST_IN )
299: if (RST_IN || GO_IDLE ) begin if (RST_IN ) begin
317-318: if(GO_IDLE) begin cmd_oe_o=0; Remove
Then in the sd_controller_top row 255 where the SD_CMD_SERIAL_HOST instantiates, change the .RST_IN from .RST_IN (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg0), -> .RST_IN (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg0 | go_idle),
Second change in this module is to remove the GO_IDLE port from the instansation row 257
This is experimental, the sd_cmd_Serial_host will now go back to Init state when a timeout of command occure.