$8/bug for the first 5 bugs in everymonth, Deal :D ?
Hi Jeff,
I hope you are well.
I'm trying to run your sim.
Re. latest version download I cannot find: mEnc8b10bMem.v mDec8b10bMem.v under ../src or anywhere.
Could you please help?
I am using free Altera ModelSim. It doesn't have: mAltA5GXlvdsAlt8b10b.v but it does have: mAltA5GXlvds.v
I also had to comment out these: #vlog $AltLibDir/arriav_atoms.v #vlog $AltLibDir/arriav_hssi_atoms.v
The free Altera ModelSim has encrypted versions of the 2 files above.
Will they all be needed?
Hi, You can use:
You can find 8b10b encoding in this site or http://fpga-ipcores.com/8b10b-encoder-decoder/
Hi, Where can I got the two modules, mEnc8b10bMem and mDec8b10bMem? The link abobe is outdated.