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$8/bug for the first 5 bugs in everymonth, Deal? #1
Open jefflieu opened this issue about 12 years ago
jefflieu commented about 12 years ago
jefflieu commented about 12 years ago

$8/bug for the first 5 bugs in everymonth, Deal :D ?

ericbasilio commented over 10 years ago

Hi Jeff,

I hope you are well.

I'm trying to run your sim.

Re. latest version download I cannot find: mEnc8b10bMem.v mDec8b10bMem.v under ../src or anywhere.

Could you please help?

I am using free Altera ModelSim. It doesn't have: mAltA5GXlvdsAlt8b10b.v but it does have: mAltA5GXlvds.v

I also had to comment out these: #vlog $AltLibDir/arriav_atoms.v #vlog $AltLibDir/arriav_hssi_atoms.v

The free Altera ModelSim has encrypted versions of the 2 files above.

Will they all be needed?



jefflieu commented over 10 years ago

Hi, You can use:

  • Transceiver which includes 8b10b encoding to transmit 10bit coming out of the SGMII core. Or
  • Normal IO pins which is capable of 1.25Gpbs in which case you need additional 8b10b encoder implemented in logic.

You can find 8b10b encoding in this site or

ycyang commented over 3 years ago

Hi, Where can I got the two modules, mEnc8b10bMem and mDec8b10bMem? The link abobe is outdated.

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