I got an error that signal hk0/nReset has multiple drivers in Vivado 2017.4. After checking housekeeping.vhd, I found that the signal nReset is assigned twice on line 141 and line148 (an output port of i2c_interface.vhd).
Hi,Frans I try to import the project for kcu105 in Vivado 2017.4,and got the error as description. Actually,I am used to Using Verilog and not familiar with VHDL, I'm not sure if I found the problem. Could you please check this out?Thanks. Zhao
Hello Zhao, I will try to do it soon. I need to do some updates to the project anyway and will verify this at the same time. Please give me a few days to find out. Frans
Hi Frans
Thank you for your attention. Wish you all the best.
Hi Zhao, Today a fix was committed, please try again. Regards, Frans