
ZedboardOLED-v1.0-IP Core (Open-Source)

Project maintainers


Name: zedboardoled
Created: Aug 22, 2014
Updated: Aug 23, 2014
SVN: Check description below for external links
Bugs: 0 reported / 0 solved
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Other project properties

Development status:Stable
Additional info:
WishBone compliant: No
WishBone version: n/a
License: BSD


The ZedboardOLED IP core provides a user friendly interface to the 128x32 organic LED display available on the Zedboard development board, a driver is supplied with the package, enabling a standalone usage for the display. The design can be easily modified to target other embedded platforms, provided with the package, a step-by-step quick start guide for using the IP.

1 Plug and play using Vivado design suite.
2 Hierarchical open-source design, it can be easily altered to fit other systems’ requirements.
3 Internal display buffer.
4 English characters bit maps are cached inside the controller.
5 Implemented driver for alphanumeric display .

This work was done as part of teaching materials for the ECEN 449 class offered at Texas A&M University/Qatar.
Written by Ali Aljaani/Texas A&M University at Qatar.