
Project maintainers


Name: axi_dma
Created: May 17, 2017
Updated: Jul 25, 2019
SVN: No files checked in
Bugs: 1 reported / 0 solved
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Other project properties

Category:System on Chip
Development status:Stable
Additional info:
WishBone compliant: No
WishBone version: n/a
License: LGPL


An AXI DMA fits the peripheral (such as I2S, UART, SPI….) it needs DMA capability in SoC; the DMA will move data between the peripheral and system memory for efficient data transfer, also saving CPU computing power.


- AXI compliant; 32-bit data width.
- Bi-directional; independent read/write channel, and also read/write channel can be executed in parallel.
- Byte addressable; DMA starting address and transfer length could not have to be a multiple of 4.
- Maximum burst length is 8 words, and burst access won’t cross 8-word boundary.
- Outstanding transaction support.
- Response error/time-out support.
- APB interface for register programing
- Peripheral interface protocol: AXI stream