
QuadFixedPoint32 Arithmetic Unit

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Name: qfp32
Created: Jul 26, 2015
Updated: Aug 20, 2015
SVN Updated: Aug 20, 2015
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Other project properties

Category:Arithmetic core
Development status:Beta
Additional info:
WishBone compliant: No
WishBone version: n/a
License: LGPL


QFP32 Arithmetic Core implements a full customizable arithmetic core using the QFP32 format. Available arithmetic operations are easily configured by an generic flag.
The QFP32 (stands for QuadFixedPoint32) format mixture between the classical full blown FPU and the simple fixed point arithmetic.
Benefits are much less area requirements lesser pipeline depth and higher speed compared to an FPU at the cost that the number range is limited from +- 2^(-24) to 2^29.
The design is fully tested.

add (2 cycles)
sub (2 cycles)
mul (2-3 cycles depending on multicycle constraint for higher speed)
reciprocal (31 cycles but less LEs than divider)
divider (31 cycles)
fromInt/toInt (1 cycle)
to be extended... :)

For higher performance addition and comparison are implemented using carry lookahead adder. Full CLA library is included!