This is a Super-I/O controller (SIO) IP core.
SIO is a typical legacy function on x86 computer motherboards, typically implemented as a dedicated chip like the Microchip SCH3227 device. SIO provides UART serial port and PS/2 keyboard+mouse interfaces, while accessible to the x86 chipset via an LPC bus.
This core relies on other opencores projects also:
Address range:
- COM1: 3F8-3FFh
- COM2: 2F8-2FFh
- COM3: 3E8-3EFh
- COM4: 2E8-2EFh
- PS2: 60h AND 64h
- post-code: 80h AND 81h
- Custom board logic registers: 200h...207h (r/w regs connect in/out outside, ro regs out NC)
Some adjustments are needed for the re-used cores:
- UART below this module:
For the UART, use the 33MHz compliant version regs file: uart_regs_33m.v
In uart_defines.v uncomment the "`define DATA_BUS_WIDTH_8"
- PS2 below this module:
In the ps2_defines, uncomment `define PS2_AUX to enble the keyboard
- LPC slave:
Use these files: wb_lpc_periph.v, wb_lpc_defines.v, serirq_defines.v, serirq_slave.v
Some of the files had references, that needs rewriting to remove relative path: `include "wb_lpc_defines.v"
In wb_lpc_periph.v change a line: always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) ===> always @(posedge clk_i)
Detailed Logic Resource Usage on Microsemi Igloo2: 3768 4LUT, 2050 DFF
As of November 2019, the code was synthesized on Xilinx Vivado and Microsemi Libero, but was not tested on a prototype.
Some of these logic functions were previously tested on a prototype board, but these source files with this exact implementation was not.
The url of the svn repository is:
The files can also be downloaded from my GitHub page: