A very simple project for controlling any standard 4 or 6 wire stepper motor. Only difference between 4 and 6 wire mode is the MOSFET driver circuit (6 wire steppers are considerably simpler...)
- Simple VHDL for beginners; well documented
- NPL project file for immediate evaluation in Xilinx ISE/Webpack tools
- Quickly get a stepper motor running for testing or prototyping
- Questions/Comments: http://www.franks-development.com
- StepperMotor.npl, project file for Xilinx ISE/Webpack
- StepperMotorDrive.vhd, source code
- StepperMotorDrive.ucf, constraints file for pin assignments, etc.
- StepperMotorWiring.bmp, schematic for connecting motors. Given MOSFETS with sufficiently low Vgs-on, can be driven directly from logic.