
Project maintainers


Name: triangle_wave_generator
Created: Jun 20, 2022
Updated: Aug 18, 2022
SVN: No files checked in
Bugs: 1 reported / 0 solved
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Category:DSP core
Development status:Stable
Additional info:
WishBone compliant: No
WishBone version: n/a
License: LGPL

# modelsim wave picture

Tags: vhdl triangle wave generator compact code

How to add files? Just like adding an image. But an 'image' with extension .vhd or .txt is not accepted: " - Failed to upload image"

# error message

The url of the svn repository is:

OK, no download of documents possible and no one has given any hint so far how to make that work, so here the vhdl code as plain text:

Had to add newlines after every line else this text mode contatenes everything, no 'code view' mode found

---------------------------START OF FILE triangle_generator.vhd

--! @filename triangle_generator.vhd

--! @brief File holds the triangle_generator VHDL code


--! This is the triangle_generator VHDL code

--! Description: This generates triangle and square waves with 90 degree phase shifts


--! @author Benjamin Perdeck

--! $Date: 2022-06-13 16:32:03 +0200 (Mon, 13 Jun 2022) $


--! The use of this file, whole or a part, is subjected to licensing terms.

-- Description of the entity:

-- The triangle generator generates two triangle signals with 90 degree phase offset using only one adder

-- The frequency of the triangle is configurable using a rate multiplier

-- Also, a square wave and 90 degrees shifted square wave signal is made.

-- The user can select to use signed or unsigned or both signals at the outputs

library IEEE;



use ieee.std_logic_misc.all; -- e.g and_reduce or_reduce

-- Entity

entity triangle_generator is generic (

TRIANGLE_WIDTH         : integer := 16; -- the width of the unsigned triangle
RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH   : integer := 20  -- bits in the rate generator; The top bits are used for the triangles


port ( CLK : in std_logic; --! module clock

-- inputs:
ENABLE                 : in  std_logic; -- a step is made at each ENABLE
-- config:
TRIANGLE_RATE          : in  unsigned(RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- outputs:
TRIANGLE00_U           : out unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --  'sine' like
TRIANGLE90_U           : out unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --  +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like
TRIANGLE00_S           : out signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);   --  'sine' like
TRIANGLE90_S           : out signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);   --  +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like
SQUARE00_U             : out unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --  1/16 to 15/16 range
SQUARE90_U             : out unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --  1/16 to 15/16 range
SQUARE00_S             : out signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);   --   7/8 to  7/8  range
SQUARE90_S             : out signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0)    --  -7/8 to  7/8  range


end triangle_generator;

architecture arch_imp of triangle_generator is

-- Constants

constant TWIDTH1 : natural := TRIANGLE_WIDTH+1;

-- Type definitions

-- Component declarations

-- Signal declarations

signal rate_gen00 : unsigned(RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');

signal rate_gen00_nofrac : unsigned(TWIDTH1-1 downto 0);

signal rate_gen00_N_ff : unsigned(TWIDTH1-1 downto 0);

signal rate_gen00_I_ff : unsigned(TWIDTH1-1 downto 0);

signal gen_Ntop_so : unsigned(2-1 downto 0);

signal gen_Itop_so : unsigned(2-1 downto 0);

signal gen_N_mintop_so : unsigned(TWIDTH1-2-1 downto 0);

signal triangle00 : unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- 'sine' like

signal triangle90 : unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like

signal sqt00 : unsigned(4-1 downto 0); -- 'sine' like

signal sqt90 : unsigned(4-1 downto 0); -- +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like

signal sq00 : unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- 'sine' like

signal sq90 : unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like

-- Attributes


assert (RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH > TRIANGLE_WIDTH) report "Triangle generator: not RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH > TRIANGLE_WIDTH" severity failure;

--! the rate generator

rate_gen_proc: process(CLK)


if rising_edge(CLK) then
  if ENABLE='1' then
    rate_gen00 <= rate_gen00 + TRIANGLE_RATE; -- intended wrap at ofl!
  end if;
end if;

end process;

rate_gen00_nofrac <= rate_gen00(rate_gen00'high downto rate_gen00'length-TWIDTH1);

-- RANGE ERROR WHEN RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH <= TRIANGLE_WIDTH : >>> .. downto (negative number)

-- NEW method: use most bits of gen00_FF or gen00_inv_ff and only top bits determined by case

-- in this way, number of adders/subtractors is minimal

table_tri_gen: process(CLK)

variable gen_N_mintop : unsigned(TWIDTH1-2-1 downto 0);
variable gen_I_mintop : unsigned(TWIDTH1-2-1 downto 0);
variable gen_Ntop_var : unsigned(2-1 downto 0);
variable gen_Itop_var : unsigned(2-1 downto 0);


if rising_edge(CLK) then
  --make 00 and 90 degree versions:
  rate_gen00_I_ff <= unsigned(not std_logic_vector(rate_gen00_nofrac)); -- will give twice the values at extremes!
  rate_gen00_N_ff <= rate_gen00_nofrac;

  gen_N_mintop := rate_gen00_N_ff(TWIDTH1-2-1 downto 0);
  gen_I_mintop := rate_gen00_I_ff(TWIDTH1-2-1 downto 0);
  gen_N_mintop_so <= gen_N_mintop;

  gen_Ntop_var := rate_gen00_N_ff(TWIDTH1-1 downto TWIDTH1-2);
  gen_Itop_var := rate_gen00_I_ff(TWIDTH1-1 downto TWIDTH1-2);
  gen_Ntop_so  <= gen_Ntop_var;
  gen_Itop_so  <= gen_Itop_var;

  case to_integer(gen_Ntop_var) is -- 0 to 3
    when      0 => triangle00 <= "0" & gen_N_mintop; triangle90 <= "1" & gen_N_mintop; sqt00<="0001"; sqt90<="1111"; --rising  rising
    when      1 => triangle00 <= "1" & gen_N_mintop; triangle90 <= "1" & gen_I_mintop; sqt00<="1111"; sqt90<="1111"; --rising  falling
    when      2 => triangle00 <= "1" & gen_I_mintop; triangle90 <= "0" & gen_I_mintop; sqt00<="1111"; sqt90<="0001"; --falling falling
    when others => triangle00 <= "0" & gen_I_mintop; triangle90 <= "0" & gen_N_mintop; sqt00<="0001"; sqt90<="0001"; --falling rising
  end case;
end if;

end process;

sq00 <= sqt00 & to_unsigned(0, sq00'length-4);

sq90 <= sqt90 & to_unsigned(0, sq00'length-4);

TRIANGLE00_U <= triangle00;

TRIANGLE90_U <= triangle90;

-- convert unsigned to signed by inversion of top bit:

TRIANGLE00_S <= signed( not triangle00(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1) & std_logic_vector(triangle00(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1-1 downto 0)));

TRIANGLE90_S <= signed( not triangle90(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1) & std_logic_vector(triangle90(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1-1 downto 0)));

SQUARE00_U <= sq00;

SQUARE90_U <= sq90;

-- convert unsigned to signed by inversion of top bit:

SQUARE00_S <= signed( not sq00(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1) & std_logic_vector(sq00(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1-1 downto 0)));

SQUARE90_S <= signed( not sq90(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1) & std_logic_vector(sq90(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1-1 downto 0)));

end arch_imp;

-----------------------------END OF FILE triangle_generator.vhd

-----------------------------START OF FILE triangle_generator_tb.vhd

--! @file triangle_generator_tb.vhd

--! @brief File holds the testbench for triangle_generators


--! This is a testbench to test triangle_generators

--! --! @author Benjamin Perdeck

--! $Date: 2022-06-13 16:32:03 +0200 (Mon, 13 Jun 2022) $


--! The use of this file, whole or a part, is subjected to licensing terms.

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;

use ieee.numeric_std.all;

use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;

use std.textio.all;

use ieee.math_real.all;

--! @brief Testbench to test the triangle_generators


--! Testbench is used to test triangle_generator signed/unsigned unit which is used to perform a

--! This is implemented as a separate testbench to ensure that the triangle_generators

--! are working as expected

entity triangle_generator_tb is

end triangle_generator_tb;

architecture testbench of triangle_generator_tb is

-- Constants

-- UUT configuration constants

-- Testbench constants

constant testbench_name : string := "triangle_generator_tb"; --! Testbench name

constant clk_100MHz_period : time := 10 ns; --! about 100MHz Clock

--for full range test:

constant TRIANGLE_WIDTH : integer := 8; -- the width of the signed triangle

constant RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH : integer := 12; -- bits in the rate generator; The top bits are used for the triangles

-- Type definitions

-- Component declarations

component triangle_generator is

generic (

TRIANGLE_WIDTH         : integer := 16; -- the width of the signed triangle
RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH   : integer := 20  -- bits in the rate generator; The top bits are used for the triangles


port (

CLK                    : in  std_logic; --! module clock
-- inputs:
ENABLE                 : in  std_logic; -- a step is made at each ENABLE
-- config:
TRIANGLE_RATE          : in  unsigned(RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- outputs:
TRIANGLE00_U           : out unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --  'sine' like
TRIANGLE90_U           : out unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --  +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like
TRIANGLE00_S           : out signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);   --  'sine' like
TRIANGLE90_S           : out signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);   --  +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like
SQUARE00_U             : out unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --  1/16 to 15/16 range
SQUARE90_U             : out unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --  1/16 to 15/16 range
SQUARE00_S             : out signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);   --   7/8 to  7/8  range
SQUARE90_S             : out signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0)    --  -7/8 to  7/8  range


end component;

-- Signal declarations

-- UUT I/O signals:

signal clk : std_logic := '0'; --! expect to run at 100MHz

signal rst : std_logic := '1';

signal enable : std_logic;

signal triangle_rate : unsigned(RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);

signal triangle00_s : signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- 'sine' like

signal triangle90_s : signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like

signal triangle00_u : unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- 'sine' like

signal triangle90_u : unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- +90 degree pre-running triangle 'cosine' like

signal square00_u : unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);

signal square90_u : unsigned(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);

signal square00_s : signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);

signal square90_s : signed(TRIANGLE_WIDTH-1 downto 0);

-- Functions

function stdlogic2int ( data: std_logic ) return integer is


if data = '1' then return 1;

elsif data = '0' then return 0;

else return -1; -- cases 'x', 'z' ...

end if;

end stdlogic2int;

-- Procedures

-- Attributes


--! @brief Unit under test: triangle_generator


--! triangle_generator is used as unit under test to test the complete functionality

--! using this testbench

uut: triangle_generator

generic map (
port map (
  CLK                    => clk,
  -- inputs:
  ENABLE                 => enable,
  -- config:
  TRIANGLE_RATE          => triangle_rate,
  -- outputs:
  TRIANGLE00_U           => triangle00_u,
  TRIANGLE90_U           => triangle90_u,
  TRIANGLE00_S           => triangle00_s,
  TRIANGLE90_S           => triangle90_s,
  SQUARE00_U             => square00_u,
  SQUARE90_U             => square90_u,
  SQUARE00_S             => square00_s,
  SQUARE90_S             => square90_s

-- Reset signals

rst <= '0' after clk_100MHz_period*20;

-- Clock signals

clk <= not(clk) after clk_100MHz_period/2;

--! @brief write_testbench_header_proc gives a message to the console output


--! This process shows the user the simulation has started and what the name is

write_testbench_header_proc: process

variable s: line;


-- Skip initial warnings
wait for 1 ps;
write(s, testbench_name);

end process write_testbench_header_proc;

--triangle_rate <= to_unsigned((2**RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH)/1000+1, RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH); -- +1 to get different values out of it too

-- give an enable to teh generator every 10 clock cycles

enable_proc: process


enable <= '0';
wait until rst='0';
while true loop
  for i in 1 to 10-1 loop
    wait until rising_edge(clk);
  end loop;
  enable <= '1';

  wait until rising_edge(clk);
  enable <= '0';
end loop;

end process;

-- vary the rate frequency between 1 and 30

rate_proc: process


for rate in 1 to 30 loop
  triangle_rate <= to_unsigned(rate, RATE_GENERATOR_WIDTH);

  for i in 1 to 100000-rate*3000 loop -- wait shorter at higher frequency
    wait until rising_edge(clk);
  end loop;
end loop;

end process;

end testbench;

-----------------------------END OF FILE triangle_generator_tb.vhd