#Efficent integrated round_robin arbiter
-Today rapid evolution in technology, the complexity becomes one of the most constraining aspects in the design of embedded systems. Cost and timing issues come along to add to the difficulties in realization of SOC, applications,where many IPs such as processor cores, memories, DSP processors and peripheral devices are placed together, on a single Core.
-It is useful to have some resource shared by a number of different devices. Usually, the resource can be used by only one device at a time. When various devices need to use the resource, they have to request to do so. These requests are handled by an Arbiter
-To Avoid conflict between different device request and fair priortization implemented Round Robin scheduling alogorithim with Arbiter
Here i implemented 4 reguest & 4 grant Arbiter with Round Robin This arbiters can be used for any purposes.
contact if any problems: vikas7268@hotmail.com
[1] E. S. Shin, V. J. Mooney, and G. F. Riley, “Round-robin arbiter design and generation,”
in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on System Synthesis,2002, pp. 243-248.
[2] Jer-Min Jou And Yun-Lung Lee,"An Optimal Round-Robin Arbiter Design for NoC"Journal Of Information Science and Engineering 26, 2047-2058 (2010)
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