Hello to all,
i need a good idea ..
i added the uart0 to the basic project but , in order to make it similar to msp430 uart0, i decided to use IE1 and IFG1 registers
these registers are placed into sfr code, so i needed to change it.
how can i keep and merge my new sfr file also with new omsp430 version ?
do i need to make a branch to OC server ? or do i need to merge each time the new versions ?
thanks for your help
a second idea is coming from the request to make a demo for a MachXO2-7000 device.
i'd like to use real flash to be used as code-memory but maybe i will need to freeze the cpu waiting for slow flash info ...
since we do not able to place a wait cycle to the program bus i think the only way is to stop the cpu clock ... is this right ?