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vopt-2135 error #22
Closed kaelk opened this issue about 11 years ago
kaelk commented about 11 years ago

Dear all; I m trying simulating the openmsp430 with modelsim SE and linux, the simprim and unisim libraries are from ISE 13.4 version. Unfortunately I m getting the following error: Error ./omsp_uart.v vopt-2135 Too many ports connections, expected 4 found 5. I ve tried putting off voptflow but still got the same problem. Please give a hand Thanks

olivier.girard commented about 11 years ago

Could you let me know which FPGA project you're trying to simulate (I assume one of the two Xilinx)?

-actel_m1a3pl_dev_kit -altera_de1_board -xilinx_avnet_lx9microbard -xilinx_diligent_s3board

olivier.girard commented about 11 years ago

Could you let me know which FPGA project you're trying to simulate (I assume one of the two Xilinx)?

-actel_m1a3pl_dev_kit -altera_de1_board -xilinx_avnet_lx9microbard -xilinx_diligent_s3board

olivier.girard closed this almost 11 years ago
olivier.girard commented almost 11 years ago

Close report due to lack of information for further analysis.

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