Issue List
HALT mode and IRQ #3
Closed olivier.girard opened this issue about 14 years ago
olivier.girard commented about 14 years ago

This bug is relevant for people using BOTH the Serial Debug Interface and the IRQs.

When the CPU is Halted through the serial debug interface and if an IRQ occures during this time, then the CPU will go wild when the CPU goes out of halt mode.

olivier.girard commented about 14 years ago

The bug is fixed with the SVN version 91. The following modification has been done to the omsp_frontend.v RTL file:

ORIGINAL CODE: "... assign irq_detect = (inst_nmi | ((|irq | wdt_irq) & gie)) & ~dbg_halt_cmd & (exec_done | (i_state==I_IDLE)); ..."

NEW CODE: "... assign irq_detect = (inst_nmi | ((|irq | wdt_irq) & gie)) & ~dbg_halt_cmd & ~dbg_halt_st & (exec_done | (i_state==I_IDLE)); ..."

In addition, the dbg_halt_irq test pattern reproducing the bug has been added to the regression suite.

olivier.girard closed this about 14 years ago

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