Issue List
Hardware UART communication issue #32
Closed akash9183 opened this issue about 9 years ago
akash9183 commented about 9 years ago

Hello Olivier Sir,

I have successfully implemented the LED blinking application with the openMSP430 processor on Xilinx Kintex7.

Now I want to implement hardware UART application on the processor. I followed the procedure as per the documentation and project example. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Debugged through UART by selecting switches SW0/SW1 = 0/0.
  2. then using switch configuration SW0/SW1= 0/1, I tried to access it on terminal window. I have tried to get the output on the terminal window tool like Minicom for Linux and Hercules, hyperterminal for Windows.

I have successfully loaded the HW_UART .elf file but I am unable to get the output on the terminal.

can you please help me with the same..

olivier.girard commented over 8 years ago

I see two possibilities:

  • there is a bug in the software.
  • there is a bug in the uart interface connection to your FPGA pins in the verilog.

best would be if you could run a simulation of the software and find out in a waveform view where the issue is.


olivier.girard was assigned over 8 years ago
olivier.girard commented over 7 years ago

No news from reporter... closing this.

olivier.girard closed this over 7 years ago
