This is 8-bit microprocessor with 5 instructions. It is based on 8080 architecture. This architecture called SAP for Simple-As-Possible computer. It very useful design which introduces most of the basic and fundamental ideas behind computer operation.
This design could be used for instruction classes for undergraduate classes or specific VHDL classes. This processor is based on the 8080 architecture, therefore, it could be upgraded step by step to integrate further facilities. It is very exciting challenge for the students to do so. Further, they could think about building complete system, i.e. integrating and I/O peripherals to the processor.
The design is proven for ASIC and FPGA. It was implemented using Xilinx FPGA Spartan-3E starter kit. A full documentation for the code and the used resources are attached within the project.
I hope that you will enjoy it.
Personally, I recommend you to start building your own design then you can compare to this one as a reference design. We learn from our mistakes.
I will be glad to receive your feedback and comments, acknowledgments would be great as well.